Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's been awhile

since I posted. Not much baby news. I can't find out the sex of the baby until we come back from Florida (february 1st) so that's a little frustrating/upsetting. I'm getting a huge discount because of the cast holiday deal and I can't even buy clothes or whatever for this baby. i hate yellows! My friend works in a hospital and she said she would do a sonogram before we leave but I gotta see if Rick can come with me because he'd KILL me if I found out and he wasn't there. He's cute like that. Well on the flip side, doctors appointment went well at 13 weeks. heartbeat sounded great. My dr couldn't find it at first but then he did.

This little bugger moves around so much! I heard some people feel the baby kick around 15 weeks! I really hope that's the case for me. I'm really excited to get on with this pregnancy and actually feel pregnant! I'm starting to get a little bump but I feel it just looks fat :-/ In the next few weeks I should really start to grow which should be awesome for Disney! I told Rick that I want a ton of photopass pictures of me preggers. How often do you get a shot of you pregnant in front of the castle or spaceship earth?? unless you live there of course. Right about now, I'm a little grateful I don't live in Florida!! I know that you swell like a balloon when you're pregnant and it's pretty much always warm/hot there! Plus I'm due in July. oh god forget about it! you'd probably have to carry me out of the apartment to go to the hospital!

In a few weeks Rick and I will start our registries! I'm so excited about this. This is the part where you feel pregnant and get to pick everything for your little one! whether you get it or not, it's a great guide for even myself to know what we need to buy! I'm a little scared about finances especially since I got fired. When we planned getting pregnant, we were not expecting me to be jobless for over a month! We thought I'd have 2 jobs!! My debt was practically paid off and now it's not looking pretty. The one credit card I paid off completely, I used most of it up again. stupid christmas/food! I know we'll do fine though because Rick's making good money which I'm really happy about. The best part, he doesn't work hard for it!! I mean he has long days with that overtime, but he says he basically does nothing!! He loves his job and I couldn't be any happier!!

Well I need to take the dogs out. They really test my patience every day. Most of the time I lose it! 3 crazy obnoxious dogs really stress me out. And it sucks that the weather is cold and bad because I really loved taking Jameson & O'Malley out for long walks (usually 5 miles a day) It calmed Jameson down alot and I had bonding time with O'Malley.. my O'Puppy.. my O'Baby... my O'SMELLY!!!! god i love that little dog. anyway, I swear, I'm gonna start going to the gym again. I was really sick (like cold sick) and am starting to get over it so maybe I'll go back this week. And once the weather gets good again, I'm definitely taking all 3 of these dogs out. Finnegan got chunky and it really bothers me. It was my fault! I never walked him.. Although Rick's dad always gives him treats even though we tell him not to! That little boy will be fit and so will I before the baby comes! Ok now I really need to walk them. They're all fighting! uggh.

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