Wednesday, February 11, 2009


That's right!!! I'm going to have a son soon!! Words cannot describe how happy I am!! I cried when she said those magical words "see the penis" hahaha. I haven't updated this thing in awhile so I figured now is the best time to do it!

So Monday, I went for my level 2 appointment. It was REALLY long which was good for the most part. The first like 15 minutes I couldn't see anything because the screen was towards the technician so I was bored and annoyed at the same time, then she saw that Baby Haas was sucking his thumb, not just putting his hands in front of his face and she thought it was funny so she put the screen towards me. It was amazing to see him suckling his thumb and see how everything works in his body! It makes it a little more real that he's a human being. So weird!! Apparently I have placenta anterior which just means that my placenta is in the front of my belly instead of behind the baby. So he's facing my stomach instead of my spine. The thing that sucks about this, is this is the reason why I haven't really felt "flutters". I've felt vibrations and it feels like there's an alien inside my belly, but no butterfly kisses as people have described or popcorn popping. I also don't feel him as much as most people do. It may take awhile before I can feel him outside of my belly too. I hope not too long! I can't wait to feel real kicks and for Rick to be able to actually feel him. It might make it more real for him too. He's really excited we're having a boy.. I don't think as excited as I am though. He's really difficult when it comes to coming up with names so I'm sure as the time goes by, he'll pick like 3 names and we'll name the baby when we meet him. I just hope we can agree on 3 names!!! He's sooo difficult

Well anyway, here's 3 sono pics from Monday. She didn't give me a wee wee shot, but these pics are pretty awesome.

Here's my little man sucking his thumb

Look at those guns! my son has huge arms haha

God I hope that's not his real nose and it's just a shadow!!

Let's see.. is there any other news? Rick and I went to Disney last week. It was a great vacation. We got moved into really good rooms because I'm pregnant. I definitely recommend going when you're pregnant and telling people haha. You get some freebies which is awesome! I was able to ride almost everything except for some rollercoasters but that's not big deal! Here are 2 pics from Magic Kingdom



The only other news is that we started our registries at both Buy Buy Baby & Babies R Us. We have to go to Buy Buy Baby and actually update it. I had done it without Rick and then deleted alot of items so he can feel a part of the experience. We registered together at Babies R Us though. He's so stupid, he thinks that we don't need a bunch of stuff we do (like a highchair!!!) because we won't need it for awhile (you need that at like 6 months!) he's really difficult to register with but I'll get through it. If not, I'll just add things on my own haha.

We're looking on Sunday at houses to buy and then we're moving alot of stuff from the house to a storage space. We're hoping to put the house up in about 3 weeks. It's gonna be difficult but I guess it's really gonna be them relying on me then since I'm home all day. I just don't wanna deal with moving their stuff and putting it in boxes. That's not my place to do that. I can't decide what to keep and what to toss! We found a beautiful house in Bayville but now Ann doesn't like that it's on a main road but it's across the street from the beach!! There's a deck that wraps around to half the front and I could sit up there and watch the bay if I wanted to! I really fell in love with the house but we have to look at other houses too. We're hoping to be out in like 3-4 months but who the hell knows when this house will sell! I know the market is down but Ann is willing to sell the house for less than it's worth just to get out of the house. We really need to be in our own place and I really wanna have the house painted and the nursery done before he arrives! Plus if we're there for the nice weather, we can use the beach and enjoy the beautiful weather. Well anyway I'm gonna go start cleaning and possibly walk Jameson! It's actually nice weather today. It's been a LOOOOONG time since then!

Oh, tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. We'll see how my weight is. When I came home from Disney, I had lost 2 pounds so I was under my pre pregnancy weight! I'm hoping I'm at my pre pregnancy weight right now. I don't wanna gain much and I shouldn't since I am overweight. I guess I'll update this tomorrow or sometime soon!! Be safe everyone

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