Friday, December 12, 2008

11 Weeks Pregnant

So I decided to start a blog to write my thoughts, concerns & vents about this pregnancy! I don't know if anyone will read it but it's really just for me to get things out so it's fine. I'm 11 weeks 2 days pregnant right now and besides the occasional nausea, I'm great! I was lucky and had "morning sickness" for about a week and a half.. but really it's longer cause it was a week and a half of throwing up and dry heaving. I was always nauseous so I dunno if that fits into morning sickness. I've gained a 1.5 pounds since I got pregnant which is good but I don't really wanna gain anything. The doctor said that I could gain 1 pound during the pregnancy and that's fine because I was overweight to begin with. The absolute most I wanna gain is 15 pounds. I plan to breastfeed or at least pump so you do lose a pretty good amount of weight from that. Then after that, it's back to "dieting". I hate that word. I'll say lifestyle change.. I was doing great before I got pregnant.. well I slipped for about a month but still!

I had my last doctors appointment on Tuesday and we got to see our lil pup!! it was great. The baby was flopping around like a little fish and it's measuring great, strong heartbeat. Things are looking good which is great cause I've been really worried lately. I know miscarriage is a very common thing, so I'm terrified that it'll happen. I'm still not in the clear. But I'm trying not to stress too much about it. I was really stressed in the beginning but started to get in the groove of pregnancy I guess.

We've been starting to think of names and it's such a hard thing cause everything I love, Rick hates! and right now, Rick's not really trying to think of those things. He says it's silly cause I'm still too early but I think it's never to early to THINK of names. He swears by the name Kelly for a boy but I don't want it. I don't want my kid getting beat up! It's gonna be something irish regardless.. I like Seamus but Rick's family thinks he'll get beat up. Seamus is a very popular irish name so I don't see how. We'll see.

Well I'm gonna take the dogs out to the bathroom and feed them and myself. It's been long enough!! Here are some pics from my 2nd sonogram!




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