Friday, December 19, 2008


I really have no energy to do anything. I am so beyond lazy it's not even funny. Rick doesn't understand and thinks I just don't wanna do anything (aka clean) but I really just don't have the energy. I lay in bed until like 2pm (i wake up around 1!!) and lay with the puppies. It's relaxing to me (until they start fighting) .. I dunno what to say to him anymore about it. He thinks I'm making up the fatigue. He's a dumb boy haha.

I got super sick this week, I threw up like 3 or 4 times. It makes absolute no sense to me which annoys me! But we'll see what happens from here on out. I am wearing a pair of pre pregnancy jeans with the button unbutton and i still feel pressure on my uterus. I can't believe how big you get at this point. I know it's not fat because I barely gained anything! It's a little exciting but right now I just feel tremendously big! I actually stick out my stomach even more when I'm out in public so I look pregnant rather than being fat. Because I know best how embarrassing it is to be fat. I tried to hide all of the time and was completely self conscious. Now I wonder if people who see me being pregnant with tattoos think I just got knocked up. It's a sad world we live in.

Not much pregnancy news going on with me though. Monday we go for the first part of the nuchael test to test for down syndrome. I'm a little nervous but I know my chances of a child with down syndrome is soooo low.. but you still never know. I'm just glad I'll get to see my little pup! a week after that I go for my other appointment and I'm sure I won't be back until I'm like 16 weeks or later.

Rick and I booked our trip for Disney. We're staying at All Star Movies from January 27th-February 4th. We might switch it so we're staying half the trip there and half the trip at Port Orleans Riverside since my discount is sooo good (59 bucks a night!!) we'll see. but we got the dining plan which I'm excited about that!! FOOD FOOD FOOD! we booked most of the restaraunts which of course we're going to Boma! We got EVERY SINGLE TIME and when we lived there we used to go. It's seriously the best restaurant ever! We're going to a character dinner which should be neat cause I'll be showing by then (i'll be 19 weeks!) and maybe i'l get a few shots with the characters touching my belly. I know i'm lame! We're just really gonna take it easy this trip and relax! I hope it's warm enough to swim. I wanna lay out on a hammock and just lay low. we're probably gonna resort hop and enjoy their amenities. We're only going to the parks a few days which will only suck cause I won't be able to go on Everest or Space Mountain.. and other rollercoasters but it'll still be fun. especially Epcot! It'll be strange not to drink at Disney but I'll survive.. I promise!! I'm just really looking forward to my last trip as a married childless woman and spend some time with Rick. We really don't see eachother much :( We're going again to disney probably the end of October.. We always go that time for Food & Wine festival and Rick's birthday. Rick's parents are coming though. They kinda invited themselves but they're just excited the baby will be going. It's fine, we can go on a nice dinner and stick them with the baby haha. I'm such a nice mommy!

Ok well I'm gonna go eat cause I'm starrrrrving and so are the doggies.

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